04 Feb. The future of Bangladesh – Saif Kamal
Do you sometimes think about what our jobs will look like in the future? And have you ever thought about what jobs will look like in the future in a country like Bangladesh? – Well, Saif thinks about this every day. Saif is the founder of the Toru Institute in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and he helps young entrepreneurs in this country to develop their skills and vision to shape its future.
I had the chance of talking to Saif during my visit to Dhaka and visit the great place he has created there. In this conversation, we talk about the future of the textile industry in Bangladesh, why it is so important to ask yourself the why question, Saif’s story of cofounding a newspaper and many others.
If you like to think about what the future will bring to our work life and society, or if you are interested in and ship ownership in developing countries, you will love this interview!
In this episode:
- Toru Institute: A place to create the future
- Challenges of the 4th industrial revolution – especially for a country like Bangladesh
- Toru – a holistic approach to create entrepreneurs
- 10 minutes School – The largest education portal in Bangladesh and how they helped the founder to build his strengths
- The 4 Ps that they try to develop
- The future of the textile industry in Bangladesh – very interesting!
- Going deep before getting going – Asking yourself the “Why?” question
- Being the person who digs 100m in the desert – staying on your personal quest
Saif’s story – great:
- From USA to
- Marketing and Head Hunting in Thailand,
- to family business and
- co-founding a newspaper (!)
Advice for people looking for their dream job:
- How to find your purpose – and why it’s a process
- Don’t just bet on your passions – get a holistic view of yourself.
- Being part of a larger picture.
- Why people give money to other people – not to ideas.
- Website: www.toruinstitute.org
- Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Torufic/
- Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/562796200734180/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetorufic/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/toru-the-idea-tree-/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/toru_idea
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPguunMGoq85V55cp4DIqqA
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